GPAS Ltd unites world-class researchers from the University of Oxford with cutting-edge technology from the world’s largest and most secure data management provider, Oracle.



The platform delivers state-of-the-art genetic sequence assembly and analysis. Its benefits include:


Many labs around the world currently wait days or even weeks for their sequencing results, with decisions made on out-of-date information. GPAS works in near real time, delivering a critical early warning system, and bringing swift clear data to aid effective decision making. This rapid analysis allows disease outbreaks and subsequent mutations to be tracked and acted on effectively.


The platform lowers the global barrier to entry. Currently genomic data can only be assembled by highly trained experts. GPAS automates this assembly service, allowing a wider range of scientists and public health experts to interpret and analyse the data, and expert bioinformaticians to concentrate on in-depth analysis of results, rather than spending time on routine operations.


GPAS allows simultaneous processing, analysis and comparison of thousands of sequences, allowing multiple countries to track variants globally, spot outbreaks, and take appropriate action. Countries can share data and compare side-by-side across borders at the touch of a button.


The platform removes variation. Currently organisations assemble their genomes in many different ways (often in response to local resource constraints). GPAS works with a range of sequencing technologies, allowing organisations to share data, compare sequences and precisely track pathogen spread and mutation as scientific understanding evolves.


Each user has full control over the data uploaded to GPAS with sharing and privacy options available. The platform automatically removes personally identifiable information (PII) before upload, and the cloud infrastructure is protected by industry-leading security measures designed by Oracle.


GPAS aims to be ‘platform agnostic’ working with a range of sequencing platforms.



These benefits allow governments and decision makers to react quickly, with shared evidence, to take appropriate action to protect communities and economies.